Patanyali’s Yoga Sutra 2.46:
sthira-sukham āsanam

Your asana, seat or connection to the earth, should be steady and joyful

About Me

Attracted initially to the physical challenge of Jivamukti, I realised that yoga also serves as a doorway to accessing the subtle and spiritual dimensions of life.

Through my journey, I have experienced a profound opening of my heart which resonates with the land where I live in Nayarit, Mexico. Through my practice have come to realise, every day we are given the opportunity to touch someone’s heart.

As a teacher

Jivamukti is a very thorough, strict and precise method but within that, it embraces a beautiful legacy of creativity.  The method allows teachers to bring what is unique to them, to their classes. I am confident in my ability to keep students safe, given the strong emphasis on alignment and the presentation of options for asanas.

As a teacher

Jivamukti is a very thorough, strict and precise method but within that, it embraces a beautiful legacy of creativity.  The method allows teachers to bring what is unique to them, to their classes. I am confident in my ability to keep students safe, given the strong emphasis on alignment and the presentation of options for asanas.

Class Schedule

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Fri 09 Feb 2024


Fri 09 Feb 2024


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Fri 09 Feb 2024


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.

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Fri 09 Feb 2024


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